When motivation fizzles, do these 3 things

Excitement and motivation are never in short supply when setting out to accomplish a major goal. You’re jazzed and ready to go.
Eventually, though, excitement and motivation start to fizzle. Even if you really want to turn your hobby into a full-time job, your efforts start to stall out.
Here’s the truth of the matter, so succinctly put by psychologist and author Mihaly Csikszentmihaly: “Happiness takes a committed effort to be manifested.”
Yes, this is going to take some effort – it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. But you can get there.
If this sounds like you, you’re definitely not alone. It’s human nature to get stuck once in a while. Read on to identify what could be holding you back and get a few pointers on how to get back on track.
Take time to re-evaluate & refocus
Let’s take a step back and look at what may have caused your enthusiasm to wane. It could be:
- Lack of knowledge
- Lack of accountability
- Lack of perspective
Once you’ve identified your sticking point, you can take steps to refocus your efforts and move forward with confidence. Here are three fixes for these common problems.
1. Fill the knowledge gap. If it’s knowledge you’re lacking, it may be as easy as taking a class to get gain that piece of know-how you’re missing. Often times, the knowledge you seek may be easily accessible via a class at your local community college.
You may also be able to hire someone to help you fill in the gaps. It doesn’t have to be a long-term commitment, even a session or two could provide the practical instruction you need to accomplish that next step.
2. Make accountability a thing. If you’re lacking in accountability, join a group that will keep you on track. It may be an online group of entrepreneurs or an in-person networking group. The idea is to have a regular group to check in with on your progress and to ask questions of when you get stuck. Just like having an appointment with a personal trainer helps keep you exercising and eating right, having an appointment with an accountability group will keep your goals moving forward.
One study found that having an “accountability appointment” with someone – meeting on a regular basis to report your progress – can increase the likelihood of achieving that goal by 95%!
When you are ready to “level up” your goals and accountability, a mastermind group may be just the ticket. The idea is to create a group of committed individuals who will meet month in and month out to hold each other accountable for the goals they’ve set for themselves. A mastermind group can be a driving force in realizing your dreams.
3. Pat yourself on the back – then rally your team. Finally, you may need to step back and simply get some perspective on your journey. Look at how far you’ve come and congratulate yourself!
If you’re still feeling stuck, it may be that you just need to call in your team of experts to get help. Your team may include an accountant or attorney (and if you’re starting a business, it’s vital to have both). You may also consider a business coach or life coach to help provide the structure and perspective you need to jumpstart your motivation.
Once you’ve identified where it is you need a boost, make it a point to find that person or group who can serve as your “booster ” – and keeping moving forward!
Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash