Want to look good this this summer? Here’s the one trick you may have overlooked

It's summer, and you want to be rocking that new tank top or playing on the beach with your kids in a swimsuit rather than a baggy t-shirt and shorts. Summer’s revealing fashions are anxiety-producing for some of us. But there's one simple way to look better this summer.
When you add a dose of confidence to your daily life, all of a sudden you begin to feel better in your own skin. This seems especially important during swimsuit season, but it’s useful year-round.
Okay, okay, sometimes this is easier said than done. But there are some easy ways to gain that confidence without much effort.
Stand taller – By simply standing up straight, you gain a new perspective on the world – both from your vantage point and in your confidence level. This might require a little “fake it ‘til you make it,” but before long you’ll really start to feel it.
One study even found that standing up tall, shoulders back, chest out, in an “open” position actually has an effect on our hormones, making us feel more powerful.
Bonus: When we don’t slouch, our clothing appears more flattering (!).
Make one healthy change – Have you ever renewed your exercise program after being away from it for a while? And did you notice that within just a few sessions you magically feel better and maybe even start eating better?
One reason may that exercise is one of the best defenses against depression.
The endorphins released during physical activity provide a mood boost, and also spurs the body to grow new nerve cells in the brain, which further improves our mood.
You may not even have had any noticeable changes to your body in these early days of exercising, but that one healthy change has inspired some confidence that brings your swagger back. And it doesn't have to be exercise that you choose. Maybe it's drinking more water or cutting back on your tortilla chip habit.
Practice positive self-talk – It can be difficult to negate the critical voices in your head, but when you can you'll feel and immediate boost to your confidence. You may want to practice daily affirmations to get you into the positive self-talk mode. Or you can simply notice when your monkey mind takes over and starts chattering with the negative talk.
When you start to hear that chatter, simply notice what's going on and redirect yourself to a more positive thought. What are you grateful for in that moment? (Even if it’s just your morning cup of tea.)
Looking good is an inside job and a smile is the best makeup. Yes, we want to look great on the outside, and there's a lot that goes into it – from diet and exercise to a great new haircut. But at its core looking good is about believing in yourself and loving yourself, at this very moment in time, at the very place you are in.
When you feel healthy and confident all of a sudden it's easier to rock that tank top or wear that two piece swimsuit on the beach with a smile on your face and without worrying what anybody else thinks. Being happy with yourself and wearing that smile proudly makes you the best dressed person around.