Friday Vibes 12.23.16

Friday Vibes takes a spin around the web and weaves together pieces for living your best life. Here are a few things I'm majorly crushing on this week.
Mantra: I give myself permission to slow down.
Media: So many things change when women get pregnant (yeah, we knew that). Now, scientists are looking at brain changes that cause more social cognition or “theory of mind” which allows women to better understand how people perceive things. Interesting read on the New York Times.
Munch: Sign me up for the entree that only takes 30 minutes to cook, like this coconut lime chicken.
Mood: I’m a sucker for cheesy jokes and I just found an entire list of them! Teach your kids some holiday humor to share with the family this weekend. Q: How does a snowman lose weight? A: He waits for warmer weather. Ba dum tss.
Move: This bodyweight workout poster from Fitwirr belongs on my office wall. There’s always time for lunges and wall push-ups, right?