Friday Vibes 12.16.16
Friday Vibes takes a spin around the web and weaves together pieces for living your best life. Here are a few things I'm majorly crushing on this week.
Mantra: My head is up and my heart is open.
Motivate: No matter how you feel...get up, dress up, show up, and never give up.
(credit: South Pacific Etsy Shop)
Major: This dark bloom color pallet screams winter. Swoon.
Make: Ditch the cookies, frosting, and candies. Make a paper gingerbread house treat box for your holiday party favors.
Mood: Step up your holiday cheer and wrapping game with a little twine and greenery.
Media: This article from the New York Times reports that small lifestyle changes can make a huge difference in improving your cardiovascular health. Great news all around!