Friday Vibes 11.18.2016
Friday Vibes takes a spin around the web and weaves together pieces for living your best life. Here are a few things I'm crushing on this week.
Mantra: I am grounded. My spirit is grounded deep within the Earth. I am calm, strong, centered and peaceful. I am able to let go of fear and trust that I am eternally safe. I am worthy of all things beautiful.
Market: So excited that our brand spankin' new Challenge Store is officially open! Get your Vitamin D, Fatty Acids, Pea Protein, Collagen and sign up for your challenges - all in one easy place!
Major: Anyone else getting a cool, updated Elsa vibe from this silver/lavender hair color trend? Let it goooooo - oh. Ahem.
Munch: Remember that squash are veggies, which means pumpkins are veggies, which means PSLs, nevermind. Anyway, let's talk this Honey Roasted Butternut Squash that is basically veggies for dessert. Still an indulgence, but definitely a better option that a sugar-laden latte (sniffle).