Friday Vibes 09.22.2017

Friday Vibes takes a spin around the web and weaves together pieces for living your best life. Here are a few things I'm majorly crushing on this week.
Motivate: “Inspiration is for amateurs — the rest of us just show up and get to work." - Chuck Close
Media: Don’t miss The Hustle Show with Christian Arriola on how it took me seven years to become "an overnight success." Listen to all the fun details on the Podcast.
Munch: Stuffed butternut squash with quinoa, cranberries, and kale. Say that five times fast. The Well Plated blog has your recipe.
Make: If you follow my Instagram story (@comemakewithme) you know that I’ve been making all the cheese. Here’s a great beginner recipe if you want to give it a try.
Major: Did you stop eating coconut oil because you read an article saying it's “an unhealthy fat?” Here’s Melissa Hartwig’s (Whole30) official response to #coconutgate2017. Spoiler alert - it’s not bad for you.